




办公电话:86-10-6276 3131





宋令阳教授所获学术荣誉和奖励包括:教育部自然科学一等奖、国家自然基金委杰出青年科学基金、首届国家973计划青年专题项目首席科学家、首届国家自然基金委优秀青年科学基金、中组部青年拔尖人才、北京市五四青年奖章、IEEE通信协会亚太地区杰出青年研究奖、IEEE Communication Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize(IEEE JSAC最佳论文)等。曾被评为IEEE Fellow、Clarivate Analytics高被引科学家等。



[1] Zhiwen Hu, Zixuan Bai, Yuzhe Yang, Zijie Zheng, Kaigui Bian, and Lingyang Song, “UAV Aided Aerial-Ground IoT for Air Quality Sensing in Smart City: Architecture, Technologies and Implementation”, IEEE Nework Magazine, accepted.

[2] Zhiwen Hu, Zixuan Bai, Kaigui Bian, Tao Wang, and Lingyang Song, “Realtime Fine-grained Air Quality Sensing Networks in Smart City: Design, Implementation and Optimization”, IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal, accepted.

[3] Shuhang Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, “Cellular Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks with Sense-and-Send Protocol”, IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal, accepted.

[4] Pengfei Wang, Chao Yao, Zizjie Zheng, Guangyu Sun, and Lingyang Song, “Joint Task Assignment, Transmission and Computing Resource Allocation in Multi-layer Mobile Edge Computing Systems”, IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal, accepted.

[5] Lei Deng, Yinghui He, Ying Zhang, Minghua Chen, Zongpeng Li, Jack Y. B. Lee, Ying Jun Zhang, and Lingyang Song, “Device-to-device load balancing for cellular networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted.

[6] Shuhang Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, “Joint Trajectory and Power Optimization for UAV Sensing over Cellular Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 11. pp. 2382-2385, nov. 2018.

[7] Hongliang Zhang, Lingyang Song, Yonghui Li, and H. Vincent Poor, “Peer to Peer Packet Dispatching for Multi-router Local Area Packetized Power Network”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, accepted.

[8] Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Kaigui Bian, and Lingyang Song, “IoT-U: Cellular Internet-of-Things Networks over Unlicensed Spectrum”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, under revision.

[9] Boya Di, Hongliang Zhang, Lingyang Song, Yonghui Li, and Geoffery Li, “Ultra-dense LEO: Integrating Terrestrial-Satellite Networks into 5G for Data Offloading”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear.

[10] Jingzhi Hu, Hongliang Zhang, and Lingyang Song, “Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Trajectory Design in Cellular UAV Networks with Sense-and-Send Protocol”, IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal, to appear.


[1] Yuzhe Yang, Zhiwen Hu, Kaigui Bian, and Lingyang Song, “ImgSensingNet: UAV Vision Guided Aerial-Ground Air Quality Sensing System”, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, Apr. 2019.

[2] Yuanxing Zhang, Pengyu Zhao, Xiaoming Li, Kaigui Biao, Yunxin Liu, and Lingyang Song, “DRL360: 360-degree Video Streaming with Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, Apr. 2019.

[3] Hongliang Zhang, Lingyang Song, Y. Li, and H. Vincent Poor, “Peer to Peer Packet Dispatching for Local Area Packetized Power Networks with Multiple Routers”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[4] Ruoqi Deng, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, “Cooperative Collision Avoidance Scheme Design and Analysis in V2X-based Driving Systems”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[5] Zijie Zheng, Lingyang Song, Y. Li, Zhu Han, and H. Vincent Poor, “A Stackelberg Game Approach to Large-Scale Edge Caching”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[6] Shuhang Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, “Resource Allocation and Trajectory Design for Cellular UAV-to-X Communication Networks in 5G”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[7] Shuhang Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, “Cooperative Sensing and Transmission for Cellular Network Controlled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[8] Jingzhi Hu, Zijie Zheng, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, “Tri-level Stackelberg Game for Resource Allocation in Radio Access Network Slicing”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[9] Boya Di, Hongliang Zhang, and Lingyang Song, “Data Offloading in Ultra-dense LEO-based Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Networks”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

[10] Yuanxing Zhang, Zhuojin Li, Chengxu Yang, Kaigui Bian, Lingyang Song, and XiaoMing Li, “SIGN: War-driving Free Indoor Navigation Using Coded Visual Tags”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.


[1]. Lingyang Song, Risto Wichman, Yonghui Li, and Zhu Han, “Full-Duplex Communications and Networks,” Cambridge University Press, UK, 2016

[2]. Lingyang Song, Dusit Niyato, Zhu Han, and Ekram Hossain,“Wireless Device-to- Device Communications and Networks,”Cambridge University Press, UK, 2015.