









2014年07月 获得北京大学工学博士学位

2014年11月- 2018年11月 巴黎天文台时频基准研究所 博士后

2019年5月- 北京大学 研究员



1.Xiaopeng Xie, Romain Bouchand, Daniele Nicolodi, Michel Lours, Christophe Alexandre, Yann Le Coq, “Phase noise characterization of sub-hertz linewidth lasers via digital cross correlation”Optics Letters42, 1217-1220 (2017).

2.Xiaopeng Xie*, Romain Bouchand*, Daniele Nicolodi, Michele Giunta, Wolfgang Haensel, Matthias Lezius, Abhay Joshi, Shubhashish Datta, Christophe Alexandre, Michel Lours, Pierre-Alain Tremblin, Giorgio Santarelli, Ronald Holzwarth, Yann Le Coq, “Photonic microwave signals with zeptosecond level absolute timing noise,” Nature Photonics11,44-47 (2017). (* contributed equally to this work)

3.Xiaopeng Xie, Tao Sun, Huanfa Peng, Cheng Zhang, Peng Guo, Lixin Zhu, Weiwei Hu, Zhangyuan Chen, “Low noise and wideband optical frequency comb generation based on an optoelectronic oscillator,” Optics Letters.39, 785-788 (2014).

4.Xiaopeng Xie, Cheng Zhang, Tao Sun, Peng Guo, Xiaoqi Zhu, Lixin Zhu, Weiwei Hu, Zhangyuan Chen, “Wideband tunable optoelectronic oscillator based on a phase modulator and a tunable optical filter,”Optics Letters38, 656-657 (2013).

5.Xiaopeng Xie, Wei Zhuang, Jingbiao Chen, “Adiabatic passage based on the calcium active optical clock,” Chin. Phys. Lett.27,074202(2010).


1.Xiaopeng Xie, Romain Bouchand, Daniele Nicolodi, Michele Giunta, Wolfgang Haensel, Matthias Lezius, Abhay Joshi, Shubhashish Datta, Christophe Alexandre, Pierre-Alain Tremblin, Giorgio Santarelli, Ronald Holzwarth, Yann Le Coq, “Ultra-low noise microwave signal generation with an optical frequency comb,” 10518-22, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 27 January-1 February, 2018. (invited talk)

2.Xiaopeng Xie, Romain Bouchand, Michele Giunta, Wolfgang Haensel, Matthias Lezius, Ronald Holzwarth, Giorgio Santarelli, Yann Le Coq, “Effect of pulse duration fluctuation on the photo-detection of a train of pulses from an optical frequency comb,” European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Torino, Italy, 10-12 April, 2018.

3.Xiaopeng Xie, Romain Bouchand, Daniele Nicolodi, Michele Giunta, Wolfgang Haensel, Matthias Lezius, Ronald Holzwarth, Abhay Joshi, Shubhashish Datta, Christophe Alexandre, Pierre-Alain Tremblin, Giorgio Santarelli, Yann Le Coq, “Record Ultra-low Phase Noise 12 GHz Signal Generation with a Fiber Optical Frequency Comb and Measurement,” SM4H.1 Conference of Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, 5-10 June, 2016.

4.Xiaopeng Xie, Tao Sun, Huanfa Peng, Cheng Zhang, Peng Guo, Lixin Zhu, Weiwei Hu, Zhangyuan Chen, “Widely Tunable Dual-loop Optoelectronic Oscillator,” STu2G.2 Conference of Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, 8-13 June, 2014.

5.Xiaopeng Xie, Huanfa Peng,Tao Sun, Cheng Zhang, Peng Guo, Lixin Zhu, Weiwei Hu, Zhangyuan Chen, “50 GHz Optical Frequency Comb Generation Based on an Optoelectronic Oscillator,” IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Taipei, Taiwan, 19-22 May, 2014.



