







主要研究领域基于扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和q-Plus AFM的表面新型纳米结构设计与制备,有机磁结构精准构筑与自旋性质可控调控;器件表界面物理化学机制研究。


1. Pan, H.; Dong, Y.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Zhang, Y. J.*; Gao, S.; Wang, Y. F.*; Hou, S. M.*, Conformational Control of σ-Interference Effects in the Conductance of Permethylated Oligosilanes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146 (50), 34617-34627.

2. Xu, Z.; Li, X.; Li, J.; Chen, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, M.; Hou, S.; Shen, Q.; Zhang, X.; Shen, Z.; Lü, J.-T.; Peng, L.-M.; Wu, K.; Liu, J.; Zhang, Y. J.*; Gao, S.; Wang, Y. F.*, Regulation of Reaction Pathways in Coordinated Chains by Directional Mechanical Force. ACS Nano 2025, 19 (6), 6120-6129.

3. Li, C.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, Y. J.*; Li, J.; Xue, N.; Li, R.; Zhong, M.; Wu, T.; Wang, Y.; Li, N.; Shen, Z.; Hou, S.*; Berndt, R.*; Wang, Y.*; Gao, S., Structure transformation from Sierpiński triangles to chains assisted by gas molecules. National Science Review 2023, 10 (7), nwad088.

4. Zhang, Y. J.; Zhang, X.; Li, Y.; Zhao, S.; Hou, S.*; Wu, K.*; Wang, Y.*, Packing Sierpiński Triangles into Two-Dimensional Crystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (42), 17928-17932.

5. Dong, W.; Li, X.; Lu, S.; Li, J.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, M.; Dong, X.; Xu, Z.; Shen, Q.; Gao, S.; Wu, K.; Peng, L.-M.; Hou, S.*; Zhang, Z.*; Zhang, Y. J.*; Wang, Y. *, Unzipping Carbon Nanotubes to Sub-5-nm Graphene Nanoribbons on Cu(111) by Surface Catalysis. Small 2023, 2308430.

6.Zhang, Y. J.; Wang, Y.*; Liao, P.; Wang, K.; Huang, Z.; Liu, J.; Chen, Q.; Jiang, J.; Wu, K.*, Detection and Manipulation of Charge States for Double-Decker DyPc2 Molecules on Ultrathin CuO Films. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (3), 2991-2997.