He, Xiaowei

Assistant Professor

Institute of Physical Electronics

Research Interests

- On-Chip and Three-Dimensional Integration of Carbon Nanotube-based Optoelectronics,

- Single Photon Source, On-Chip Quantum Emitter

- Quantum Optics, Ultrastrong Light Matter Coupling

- Quantum Nano-mechanical Resonator and Quantum Transducer

Email: xiaoweihe[at]pku.edu.cn


Nov. 2015: Ph.D., Applied Physics, Rice University, USA

Professional Experience

- Research Fellow & Assistant Professor, Peking University, China

- Research Scientist, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA


- Postdoctoral Distinguish Performance Award, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2018)

- Best Ph.D. Theses Award,Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Rice University (2015)

Selected Publications

- Y. Luo, Xiaowei He, Y. Kim, J. L. Blackburn, H. Htoon, S. K. Doorn, S. Strauf, “Carbon nanotube color centers in plasmonic nanocavities: a path to photon indistinguishability at telecom bands,”Nano Letters19,9037(2019)

- A. Saha, B. J. Gifford, Xiaowei He, G. Ao, M. Zheng, H. Kataura, H. Htoon, S. Kilina, S. Tretiak, and S. K. Doorn, “Narrow-Band Single-Photon Emission through Selective Aryl Functionalization of Zigzag Carbon Nanotubes,Nature Chemistry10,1089(2018)

- Xiaowei He, H. Htoon, S. K. Doorn, W. H. P. Pernice, F. Pyatkov, R. Krupke, A. Jeantet, Y. Chassagneux, and C. Boisin, “Carbon Nanotubes as Emerging Quantum-Light Sources,Nature Materials17, 663 (2018).

Xiaowei He,N. F. Hartmann,X. Ma,Y. Kim,R. Ihly,J. L. Blackburn,W. Gao,J. Kono,Y. Yomogida,A. Hirano,T. Tanaka,H. Kataura,H. Htoon,andS. K. Doorn, “Tunable Room-temperature Single-photon Emission at Telecom Wavelengths from sp3Defects in Carbon Nanotubes,Nature Photonics11, 577 (2017).